
Art by Jaya Singh.

You can’t see me though you see me,
I am a matter of facts hidden in time,
I am born tough ready to swim,,
Even when the tides are high.

I know you see me, but you won’t,
I see you in my mind, because it’s my gift,
Its what i took as my pride,
I am anonymous, beauty I hide.


I hide! I hide! I hide! what you see not,
Remember, my angst sweetness,
Remember my beautiful smile
Don’t forget my untamed desires,
It lie reticent in the soothing light.


In the depth of the skies,
Light years ahead is my abode,
What deeds I wore, and seeds i have?
It’s collected in the rolls of time.
I though am a filigree being,
But my soul ready to fly.
I am from the puerile ribs,
Better, than the sand.


I shine from the azure azule,
Bringing gospels and tidings,
My worth remained
a secret susurration
My reward not revealed
to the world in words.

I am not “I am”,
My lips read on rosary,
And forehead bows to the Creator.
I can breathe light in the darkness
Have Rumoured languid might,
But I am the way to heavens
Still guessing who I am?

©Copyright reserved !ns¡ght


Thanks to Jaya for inspiring me to write.😁

Published by AQUIB

the unsung poet..

65 thoughts on “Anonymous

      1. Oh bahut sahi, you got this absolutely right, app toh, you are at par. Trust me. You can confirm down below. 😁😁
        Toh =conjunction kind of, can mean “are “, it depends you know.
        Ilma= feminine of Ilim means knowledgable.
        Good going. 👍👍👍


  1. Wonderful piece Aquib, symbolizing anonymous but yet knowing exactly who you are. One must lose themself to truly find themself. Artistic writing my friend and wonderful picture to depict it.🌹🌹

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