
Echos in the ripples of the consigning wave.

Kept calling your name with fortitude.

Marvelling at your shadowed sight.



You felled down,

bowed like hypocrites.

And then expected

a return to show that face.

You poured down

of what you were feeded,

You remained in the

boxes that were given.



Things aren’t fair or just

All are painted with same color,

Rights are wrongs and wrongs are rights.

When the one shouts for rights

there is no unison,

All bathing in the same blood..

When the distinction of zero and one

are faded with concoction, then,

following shall be Dire destructions.



The wrongs bellied in bogged assuagements,

There shall be then no return,

When then thy fall

in the pit of conflagration,

Ignorant and blinded by qualm lights.

Ye! Well then be a zombie?

Eventually crying out with contrite heart.

©Copyright reserved !ns¡ght


Published by AQUIB

the unsung poet..

74 thoughts on “revelation

  1. Hmmm i’m thinking about that new picture….. CREEPY😲
    It seems you’re spying your visitors.

    If you’re not satisfied by your pics, why not putting a sketch of yourself?

    Liked by 3 people

  2. There is one more life after death!
    Sadly, some people will realise it only after their souls depart.

    I like the reply of Shaikh Ahmed Deedat, when he was asked once by an atheist “What if you die and will realise that there is no hereafter?”
    He replied –
    “Not worse than you will discover that hereafter is the truth.”

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Deep Aquib, very deep my friend. Wrong are rights and rights are wrong, so true and I loved that line. A true revelation is sometimes we gotta do what’s wrong to do what’s right. Your poem speaks so many beautiful messages and like I said, your wording is amazing. Keep the journey going my friend, the path is great!!🌹

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for appreciating this buddy… Always glad to hear form you… Yeah we must realize small small things coalesces to bigger one… So we must be little wary of those.. I feel so..
      Keep writing and smiling.. Dear friend.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No problem my friend, love your writing and you’re so right with this post, so true on so many levels. I will keep smiling, it’s what I do best! Stay strong buddy!😉


      1. What an idea sir ji ..😁😁….
        Koi baat nahi.. Naam me nahi Jaana chahiye Bhavna pe jana chahiye., (sorry For the typo error ,😊😊 )..


  4. The wrongs bellied in bogged assuages,

    There shall be then no return,

    When then thy fall

    in the pit of conflagration,

    Ignorant and blinded by qualm lights.

    Ye! Well then be a zombie?

    Liked by 2 people

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