The Cliff. 

​#poem #insight. 

Looked far away from where I was standing among the crowds, saw a giant cliff and wore a shroud.

Moved ahead in the gloomy nights all alone, watching dogs barking, shrieking noises of the dragon flies. 

Walked and walked as the sun shines and crowds moved in quagmire of life. 

I saw drooped vertebrae longing for sons and daughters with faces looking above and counting their days. 

I saw grown-up of zygotes bewildering their roots of once umblicused soul with their own mouth. 

I saw evil faces, shining the dark radiance, and joining their frivolous fane. 

I walked alone among the friends, once I stood for their antsy minds, now refused to remain. 

I continued walking over and over, and saw until my eyes didn’t take. 

I sat beneath the oak tree, and lacmyral drops: the Brine from the sclera  of the mind. 

I did not want to tell my friends but my mind cannot hold the burden of the mortal mights.

The time still ticks in the dead dials and I moved, ’cause I don’t have time. 

I moved and moved through the flim flam and the  glitzy walls, through the trampling and through the pickets of wars, through relegated soul and through the materialistic ensnared soul. 

Let me move, for the beloved stood there watching me blanched and sulled in the horrors of the world with a insidious smile, I moved for they don’t know the line, for they sundered the “ratification” made. 

Let me move away from your humanoid  feral and beasts, for them the reprisals await. 

Let me move, let move I am near the cliff ‘s jag, I took a step watching behind and left all my stakes, I saw with my closed eyes  gardens of rivers flowing beneath, I smile ethereal lyrics as I vanish away. 

Aquib khan
©Copyright reserved  !ns¡ght2017

A repost of my old poems. Hope you all will cherish it.


Image credits : Google images.

Published by AQUIB

the unsung poet..

132 thoughts on “The Cliff. 

  1. That is an amazing piece of writing and my favorite. Thank you for supporting me and helping me spread awarness. Your raffle numbers are 88866 and 89991. My name is Brittian Weaver on facebook. That’s how you can continue being aware of the surprises. 😊😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot Brittian. For liking and reading this. Btw I don’t use Facebook for now, you can update your surprises on your post, if you can☺️. Keep smiling.


  2. Oh, I love this. I know what you’re feeling with this and now I’m thinking whether this is what you’re feeling right now?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No sophski, it’s really sweet of you to say that, it’s a thought that came and I wrote this. it’s all good now. Btw how are you? Hope you are having amazing time. Wish you all the good luck and success.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We are going to go in circles so let’s say we both appreciate each other! 🤗
        Kinda not great, thank you so much for asking. But I’ll find the light as long as I remember Allah (SWT). What about you?

        Liked by 2 people

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